In the Digital Transformation (DT) era, an issue that has affected society is how digital is modifying daily cultural life. Advocates and opponents debate on this topic and how the new cultural sector of professionals could be framed correctly.
For this reason, many initiatives have been launched to prepare people to address promptly this new challenge. However, many people would like, but they can’t have adequate training in the digital field.
The CHRACK LAB Bari – OFFICINE DI CULURA, a start-up born as a response to the national strategic initiative promoted by the Minister for technological innovation and digital transition and coordinated by the Department for digital transformation, contributes to this sensibilization path. Furthermore, Caritas, an association intensely involved in the social promotion and safeguard in assisting the needy, would promote an initiative to affect a particular target of people – NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) in a European inclusive net.
For this reason, the CHRACK LAB Bari, in collaboration with Young Caritas Altamura[1], EGInA s.r.l.[2] and D.A.BI.MUS. s.r.l.[3] is launching a project titled SOCIAL HACKADEMY BARI (SHB).

The initiative launched in December 2021 is moving on. It includes five introductory courses, starting from February:
- Web Design
- Graphic and visual design
- Digital Storytelling
- Podcasting
- Social Media Management
Moreover, some webinars on peculiar arguments have been thought to deepen digital knowledge.
Based on the competencies acquired, participants divided into teams will realize some projects to compete in the final event in July, a three-day Hackathon hosted in the University of Bari Aldo Moro. The project that is better designed will be prized.
We strongly believe that this initiative could promote digital awareness in people who probably don’t consider digital as a chance to find their place in the labour world.

[1], (last consulted: 13/12/2021).
[2], (last consulted: 13/12/2021).
[3], (last consulted:13/12/2021).
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