Wrapping up the Social Hackademy – Final policy event
On December 7, we hosted the final policy event for the Social Hackademy #hackAD project with the support of MEP Moritz Körner’s office. Bringing together policymakers, training providers, civil society organisations and project partners, this event dove into the policy recommendations developed over the course of the project and offered participants with a first hand Social Hackademy experience!

Before jumping into the mini hackathon, our coordinator Borut Cink presented the policy recommendations based on the feedback and overall experience of the project. These recommendations are multidimensional and touch on both the implementation of the training courses and Social Hackathons as well as the transferability of the Social Hackademy Labs. We can’t highlight all of them here but some of the key recommendations are:
- Organise the training courses and Social Hackathons in a face-to-face format
- Adjust the lengths of the training courses based on the learning curve
- Host a short collaboration session before the Social Hackathon
- Ensure that cooperation with civil society organisations is formalized
- Identify any training needs trainers may have and include these in the train the trainer activities
- Identify obstacles young people participating in the Social Hackademy Labs are facing and support them with so that they can have equal and meaningful participation in the Social Hackademy activities
The full policy recommendations in English are available here. The translations to Croatian, Greek, French and Italian will follow in January 2022. We invite you to check back regularly to find them in full.
Next in the event was a mini hacking activity! We could not give a full Social Hackademy experience as that would require weeks of training but we were able to give all our attendees a mini hackathon. We chose two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for this activity: SDG 3 and SDG 4. The participants were split into breakout rooms with each focusing on one of the selected SDGs and went through the Social Hackathon process with a facilitator. All in all, the participants were excited to be able to go through this process and experience firsthand how this could be relevant in their own organisations.
Miro boards we used for the mini hack activity are open and available to everyone. You can explore them as following:
– Introduction to the mini hack
– Mini hack on SDG number 3
– Mini hack on SDG number 4
We invite you to watch the recording of the event below.
00:00 Introduction to the event by Ilona Kish, Director of Public Libraries 2030
01:36 Welcome remarks by Peter Palvoglyi, CEO of ALL DIGITAL
04:26 Opening speech by MEP Moritz Körner
10:09 Presentation of policy recommendations by project coordinator Borut Cink from ALL DIGITAL
33:52 Introduction to the Social Hackademy Mini Hack by Bianca Bisiach from EGINA
42:46 Presentations of the results of the Mini Hack by Linn Rasimelli and Bianca Bisiach
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