Discover the home of digital skills in Europe
Earlier this year, the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (DSJP) went live. This European one-stop-shop for digital skills and community learning enables all Europeans to make the most of the digital transformation.
This platform is one of the initiatives launched under the Connecting Europe Facility Programme and will contribute to the Digital Europe Programme. This ambitious EU programme aims to make Europe more competitive in the global digital economy by increasing digital capacity and ensuring a wide use of digital technologies across the EU. The platform aims to boost the digital competencies of European society and the workforce by enforcing the digital skills pillar of the programme.
This platform is for everyone – from citizens, businesses to public organisations. It strives to make available a wide range of high-quality information, resources, and opportunities related to digital skills and jobs suitable for all digital skills levels. The platform also offers its members a collaborative community space where networking, interactions and member-led discussions on technology can take place.

The platform brings together stakeholders from across Europe and is a great opportunity for #hackAD as it offers:
– Insights into national strategies and digital trends
– Opportunities for personal and professional development
– Good practices
– National strategies
– Funding opportunities
– News, opinions, and events
As we have seen during the COVID19 pandemic, digital technologies are a central part of our daily lives and it is vital to have the digital skills needed to navigate these. Discover the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform and join this growing community!
The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform is financed by the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility. The Platform is developed by a consortium of organisations led by European Schoolnet including: Tremend, DIGITALEUROPE, LIKTA, European DIGITAL SME Alliance, Public Libraries 2030 and empirica as a subcontractor.
Author: Tiana Zignani (Public Libraries 2030)
Photo: European DIGITAL SME Alliance, screen capture
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