Social Hackademy collaboration with Acceasy project

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EGInA is pleased to announce the collaboration between Social Hackademy and and another Erasmus+ project Acceasy with the aim of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the UN Agenda 2030.

Acceasy project’s goal is to raise awareness about the importance of opening European cultural heritage to everyone and using it as a tool to promote social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

@#hackAD project aims to empower young people with digital and transversal skills for the development of digital solutions to social challenges. In collaboration with local public and private entities from the social sector, #HackAD will organize in Italy @SHU (Social Hackathon Umbria) where teams of young people will compete in the co-creation of digital projects to contribute to sustainable social development.

What will be the collaboration between Social Hackademy and Acceasy project?

#hackAD will support Acceasy by including its objectives among the challenges that will be promoted in the Social Hackathon Umbria. Participating teams will be introduced to the easy to read language system which is designed for people with cognitive disabilities. With the support of experts from Acceasy project, they will be then challenged to develop creative digital solutions for its use and application in cultural heritage diffusion spaces.

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