Hellenic Open University (HOU) is the only Greek state University that offers distance learning study programmes. Today, it counts more than 35.000 adult undergraduate and postgraduate students, who are dispersed all over Greece and Cyprus. Because the majority of students (approx. 80%) are working professionals who seek further education in order to improve or change their career, HOU has established a permanent connection with the market, professional networks, authorities and social agencies.
The DAISSy (Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Social Systems) Research Group of HOU was founded in 2001 by highly skilled and motivated researchers. Its mission is to pursue the wide societal adoption of the broader Ambient Intelligence vision by realizing responsible research and innovation. The vision of DAISSy group researchers is to contribute to the realization of an advanced humane society by inventing technology that adapts and supports human needs and not the other way round! Since its establishment, the DAISSy group has participated in more than 30 national and European projects under different frameworks, having raised more than 7.5 million euro in total. The group has accumulated long-time expertise in Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems and Internet of Things, Knowledge Extraction and Semantically Rich Applications, Smart Environments, Mobile apps, Social Computing Systems, Peer Learning Platforms, Application of ICT in Education, MOOCs, Serious Games, Digital Content Production, Quality Assurance and Standardization, Competence and Qualifications Frameworks, Upskilling, Professional Development, Distance and Adult Education and Training, STEM Education, Social Research, Cultural Mediation, Diversity and Inclusion, etc. The DAISSy group has the following components:
– The « Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Quality and Ambient Intelligence » Laboratory established at the School of Science and Technology of the Hellenic Open University;
– Research Unit 3 of Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI);
– The MSc course on “Pervasive and Mobile Computing Systems” offered by the Hellenic Open University.
Today the group employs more than 15 persons, including University professors, PostDoc researchers, PhD and MSc holders, researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence and social sciences, experienced ICT engineers and programmers, communication experts, project managers and administrative personnel.
Prof Achilles Kameas