EGInA is a private training agency and consultancy body, operating at local, national and EU level. EGInA is based in Foligno, Italy, and it operates within a wide and consolidated network of public and private bodies, providing high-quality services and consultancy in different fields. EGInA is devoted to deepening a real transnational cooperation in the field of lifelong learning, increasing awareness of European cooperation and opportunities, especially in the field of digital competences, within the framework of different EU financing programmes, with a special focus on Erasmus+.
At local level, we are accredited at the Umbria Region as a training agency for the implementation of training activities funded by the European Social Fund. Our main field of training is digital skills for adults (in particular unemployed and elderly people), youngsters and disadvantaged groups (e.g. NEETs, refugees). EGInA is the owner of the Social Hackathon Umbria (SHU) methodology, which held its fourth edition in 2019 and which will be scaled up in this project. This event saw more than 150 young hackers and different non-profit organisations from all over Italy competing in a digital marathon with the final aim being to develop socially useful digital tools. Every year the event involves not only local youngsters but also international participants and disadvantaged (e.g. refugees) participants who cooperate for the achievement of the hackathon objectives.
EGInA has a consolidated network of local and national partners, which will be activated for the identification and engagement of young people with disadvantaged background, also taking advantage of present and past collaborations within the framework of Social Hackathon Umbria. In this project EGInA will cooperate with:
– Caritas, Arci, SPRAR network and other local organizations that support refugees and asylum seekers in their path to social and working inclusion;
– local social cooperatives, such as « La Tenda » that supports drugs addicted clients or with types of addiction and « La Locomotiva » that provides services to disabled and disaffected youths;
– the five high-schools in the Municipality of Foligno, already used to cooperate in the organization and realization of the event;
– Local/regional Informagiovani (youth centre).
Altheo Valentini